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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


Electronic Real Estate Recording Task Force


Minutes: 23 January 2002


Technology Subcommittee Minutes: 1-23-02

As recorded by Beth McInerny


Present: (Members) Susan Dioury, Steve Stedman, Larry Dalien, Bob Horton, Bill Mori, Reggie David, Jim Campbell

As chair of the Technology Subcommittee Bill Mori opened up discussions with a consensus on what this subcommittee’s scope / goal was. After discussion it was agreed that the Technology Subcommittee serves as a resource for the consulting team BenNevis and for the full Task Force. It is this subcommittee’s responsibility to provide awareness of the technology in this space to everyone on the Task Force. It was also agreed that this group would assist the Pilot Subcommittee on the technology focus with the pilot counties, when those selections are made.

It was also generally discussed that there is significant work already done on the national level and that this work should be brought forward to mitigate the risk of "re-inventing the wheel".


Larry Dalien and Bill Mori suggested that the Technology Subcommittee would benefit from taking a look at some of the county surveys that have been completed by BenNevis. This would enable the TF to see if the questions being asking are gaining the feedback we would like to or would expect to receive. These questions may need to be tweaked and we would want to get on that quickly. Beth will work to give all the subcommittees a chance to review the first survey results.

Steve Stedman suggested the need to get a hard definition around the term "technology". This would help to better direct this group’s approach and identify where its concerns are. It was decided that this initiative’s interest in technology was from a data interchange level. We are not interested in hardware or software but about data interchange and the standards around enabling that.

Bob Horton suggested that much work had been done on the part of the State and that should be presented to BenNevis also. There is a particular piece that Bob thought would be of specific interest on data and records preservation. Beth will own that task.

We asked members to identify considerations in the Workplan that had a technology focus, to let BenNevis better understand where we feel emphasis should be placed.

Bill Mori suggested that BenNevis place technology emphasis on considerations: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 , 12, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26, 27, 31, 35

Reggie David stated that BenNevis should look at back office costs. Knowing what they all are is a key piece. Consideration 15 – the process of integrating with other storage methods in the backoffice can be a critical need. There is the question of how searching happen effectively if integration is only on a go forward basis. These issues need to be considered. Consideration 17 - privacy has so much energy around it. We need to really concentrate on this.

Bob Horton felt that people are going to get anxious about the level of ease of getting at information.

Larry Dalien stated that it is all over the map how counties are dealing with security. Legislatures and county commissioners are going to get calls from irate residents about what is being seen in public access. Washington County has an opt-out option for what is disseminated but there is no standard now for all counties to follow.

The recommendations need to be broad. Consideration 14 talks about performance standards. These need to stay away from hardware and software specifications.

Jim Campbell mentioned consideration 25, the inclusion of PIN’s and other unique identifiers. Dakota is working toward that right now. BenNevis will use them as a resource in this area.

Bob Horton stated that record preservation is important and needs consideration on the technology level and looking at how counties are working now.

Susan Dioury suggested that MISMO standards need to be looked at so we don’t recreate the wheel.

Bill Mori noted that PRIJTF is dealing with standards on property records. PRIJTF also has MISMO affiliation and Legal XML as an affiliate. They are establishing standards for documents. We should keep abreast of their work also. Bill recommend the following web site: He noted that the release for MISMO standards was coming soon, next month potentially.

Bill also mention the "For the Record" newsletter. He is getting all the subcommittee member’s contact information and will put us on the mailing list. Bill also handed out an article: The Property Records Industry Technology Future.

Beth suggested the web had some nice white papers and good information on what is happening in the industry.

Beth will also work with BenNevis to get copies of their first 3 surveys for review.

Meeting adjourned: 3:15



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