2015 House Amendments
2015 Omnibus Bill - House Amendments
Ways and Means Committee (5/16/2015)
S1398A2: Revises state/employer contributions related to MERF -
State Government Finance Committee (5/14/2015)
House language substituted -
Passed and then amended:
S1398-5A: Revises state payment related to MERF to be consistent with the State Govt. Finance bill -
Passed as amended (10-6)
amended on line 1.3 of the amendment, delete "and insert"; strike lines 1.4-1.5
S1398-6A: Clarifies post-retirement adjustment language -
S1398-7A: Technical amendment - corrects dates in special law provision -
Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee (4/21/2015)
H1508-12A: Pension Commission delete-all amendment -
Passed as amended
H1508-13A: Technical amendment, deletes two sections that are proposed for repeal -
H1508-14A: Delete Article 14, Section 5 (PERA board additional position for MERF member) -
A15-0526: (lines 1.14-1.17 only): Clarifying when state payments related to MERF cease -
Passed as amended