Feryte W. Borgeson | Karen Odegard | John R. Kunz, Jr. ... President | 1619 Dayton Avenue, Room 309 |
Zuki Ellis | James Paddock | Mike McCollor ... Vice President | Saint Paul, MN 55104-6206 |
Michael McKay | Stephanie Pignato | W. Matthew Bogenschultz ... Secretary | Phone (651) 642-2550 |
Lori Borgeson ... Treasurer | Fax (651) 642-2553 | ||
Jill E. Schurtz ... Executive Director | Online: www.sptrfa.org | ||
February 28, 2018
Susan Lenczewski, Executive Director
Legislative Commission on Pension and Retirement
55 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155-1201
Dear Ms. Lenczeski:
The St. Paul Teachers Retirement Association Board of Trustees met on February 21, 2018 to review the results of Experience Study completed by SPTRFA's actuarial firm, Gabriel Roeder Smith & Co. The Board unanimously approved the Experience Study recommendations. A summary of the key recommendations adopted by the Board follows:
Details regarding each of the recommendations is included in the attached Experience Study. The SPTRFA Board respectfully requests that the LCPR approve the changes adopted by the SPTRFA Board and include such changes, where required to be reflected in statute, in SF 2620 I HF3053 for use in SPTRFA's FY '18 actuarial valuation report.
We would be happy to address any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me at 651-642-2550 if we can be helpful.
Jill E. Schurtz
Executive Director