1.1.................... moves to amend S.F. No. 26; H.F. No. 11, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 7, before "Notwithstanding" insert "(a) "
1.3Page 1, after line 18, insert:
1.4"(b) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 69.031, subdivision 5, the city of
1.5Austin has no liability to the relief association related to payments it made or will make to
1.6the public employees police and fire retirement plan from fire state aid for 2013, 2014,
1.72015, 2016, and 2017.
1.8(c) This section expires July 1, 2018."
1.9Page 1, after line 21, insert:

1.11(a) The executive director of the Public Employees Retirement Association shall convene
1.12a Fire State Aid Work Group to study and make recommendations to the Legislative
1.13Commission on Pensions and Retirement on:
1.14(1) the current requirement that all fire state aid provided to municipalities with
1.15firefighters as defined in section 424A.001, subdivision 10, or 353G.01, subdivision 15,
1.16must be used to fund service pensions governed by chapter 424A or 353G; and
1.17(2) modifying the requirement to allow municipalities to allocate a portion of fire state
1.18aid to pay employer contributions on behalf of firefighters covered by the public employees
1.19police and fire retirement plan under section 353.65, subdivision 3.
1.20(b) In making recommendations with information provided by Public Employees
1.21Retirement Association and Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement staff, the
1.22work group shall consider:
1.23(1) the history and purpose of fire state aid;
1.24(2) the history, purpose, and utilization of Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 353.10,
1.25subdivision 6, which allowed certain municipalities to allocate a portion of fire state aid to
1.26pay public employees police and fire employer contributions;
1.27(3) the impact on current volunteer firefighters, volunteer firefighter recruitment and
1.28retention, and municipalities if fire state aid is allocated between service pensions and public
1.29employees police and fire employer contributions; and
1.30(4) a presentation by a city of Austin official and a representative from the Austin
1.31Part-Time Firefighters Relief Association on the city of Austin's current allocation of fire
1.32state aid.
2.1(c) Members of the work group shall include:
2.2(1) One representative of Minnesota townships, appointed by the Minnesota Association
2.3of Townships;
2.4(2) One representative of Minnesota cities, appointed by the League of Minnesota Cities;
2.5(3) One representative of Minnesota fire chiefs, who is a fire chief, appointed by the
2.6Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association;
2.7(4) Two representatives of Minnesota volunteer firefighters, who are active volunteer
2.8firefighters, appointed by the Minnesota State Fire Departments Association;
2.9(5) One representative of the Office of the State Auditor, designated by the state auditor;
2.11(6) One representative of the Department of Revenue, designated by the commissioner
2.12of revenue.
2.13(d) The work group shall elect a chair from among its members.
2.14(e) The work group shall submit a report by December 31, 2017, that contains the work
2.15group's recommendations to the chair, vice-chair, and executive director of the Legislative
2.16Commission on Pensions and Retirement. The report shall include recommendations
2.18(1) municipalities allocating a portion of fire state aid to pay employer contributions to
2.19the public employees police and fire retirement plan;
2.20(2) implementation of policies if fire state aid is divided, including the determination
2.22(i) the entities that will decide how the fire state aid is allocated;
2.23(ii) how the allocation will be documented;
2.24(iii) how the allocation may be amended, if at all;
2.25(iv) what entity allocates the fire state aid, and
2.26(v) whether a government agency must monitor and enforce the allocation;
2.27(3) the scope of allowable allocations of fire state aid; and
2.28(4) other issues the work group determines are relevant.
2.29(e) The work group expires the day following the last day of the 2018 legislative session.
2.30EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
3.1Amend the title accordingly