1.1.................... moves to amend document LCPR17-038, as follows:
1.2Page 15, line 4, reinstate "not at least" and delete "younger than "
1.3Page 15, line 5, reinstate "and does not have at least" and delete "or with fewer than "
1.4Page 15, line 8, delete "65" and insert "the applicable normal retirement age"
1.5Page 19, after line 30, insert:
1.6"(d) Paragraph (c) does not apply to members who retire under section 354A.31,
1.7subdivision 6, paragraph (b)."
1.8Page 20, line 20, delete "65" and insert "normal retirement age"
1.9Page 20, line 25, delete " for the period until the employee reaches normal retirement
1.11Page 64, delete section 17
1.12Page 73, line 4, delete "356.589" and insert "356.59"
1.13Page 77, line 9, strike "accepted" and insert "been issued"
1.14Page 77, line 11, strike "accepted" and insert "issued"
1.15Page 93, line 28, after the period insert " The amount required is appropriated annually
1.16from the general fund to the commissioner of management and budget."
1.17Renumber the sections in sequence
1.18Amend the title accordingly