1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3082; S.F. No. 2720, the delete everything
1.2amendment (H3082-5A), as follows:
1.3Page 114, line 10, delete everything after "established"
1.4Page 114, line 11, delete everything before the period
1.5Page 114, line 13, delete "seven" and insert "six"
1.6Page 114, line 14, delete "by the governor,"
1.7Page 114, line 15, before "firefighter" insert "volunteer" and after "5,000" insert
1.8"appointed by the president of the Minnesota State Fire Departments Association"
1.9Page 114, line 16, before "firefighter" insert "volunteer" and after "5,000" insert
1.10"appointed by the president of the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association"
1.11Page 114, line 18, before "firefighter" insert "volunteer" and after "9,000" insert
1.12"appointed by the president of the Minnesota State Fire Departments Association"
1.13Page 114, line 20, before "firefighter" insert "volunteer" and after "19,999" insert
1.14"appointed by the president of the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association"
1.15Page 114, lines 21 and 23, delete everything after "person "
1.16Page 114, lines 22 and 24, delete "board" and insert "appointed by the president"
1.17Page 114, delete lines 25 and 26
1.18Page 114, line 27, delete "must" and insert "shall" and delete everything after "serve "
1.19Page 114, line 28, delete everything before "2009" and insert "until August 1, " and
1.20delete everything after the period
1.21Page 114, delete lines 29 to 32
1.22Page 114, line 33, delete everything after "uncompensated"
1.23Page 114, line 34, delete "fund"
1.24Page 114, line 35, before the period insert "by the state or the Public Employees
1.25Retirement Association"
1.26Page 115, line 4, after the semicolon insert "and"
2.1Page 115, line 5, before "draft" insert "with the advice and administrative support of
2.2the executive director,"
2.3Page 115, line 8, delete the semicolon and insert a period
2.4Page 115, delete lines 9 to 15
2.5Page 115, delete section 13
2.6Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.7Amend the title accordingly